I am now the proud owner of the Schacht Ladybug. I bought her at the Waterloo County Knitters' Fair last Saturday. I had been in contact with Gemini Fibres about trying her out and was really excited when they told me on Wednesday that they had just received it in time for the fair. Think I was giddy for a couple days over the prospect of try her out and buying her. I know I annoyed quite a few of my co-workers and consumers with my endless chatter about it. hehe

Isn't she pretty? Lovely modern curved lines and is so smooth and quiet. I find spinning on a spinning wheel to be much easier then a spindle. Much faster as well of course. I can definitely see my stash growing very quickly.
I started to practice on the Ladybug with some polypay pencil roving. I had tried spinning with this stuff with my spindle last spring but found it very boring. It is also rough but it think that it will be perfect for fulled bag. For learning how the spinning wheel works and how different adjustments affect performance pencil roving is awesome. There was no drafting involved since it is so thin to begin with. I plied last night a bobbin worth with what I had spun on the spindle. It is now soaking to set the twist and I'll be whacking it to even it out. I'll post pics when it's done.
Once I had finished spinning some polypay pencil roving and was getting in the groove I wanted to try drafting. So I changed the bobbin and took out a roving that I had dyed last spring. Wasn't loving the roving so thought that it would be perfect to practice on. If it turned out to be extremely uneven and unusable... who cares. Well I divided it in two and did a bit of predrafting. The fibre is superwash merino and nylon mills ends. It is very slippery but I'm used to it on the spindle so I thought it would not be too bad. Luckily I seem to want to treadle pretty fast for some reason so it was not too bad. The single was pretty consistent for awhile and then it would go thin or thick. Oh well not bad for a first yarn. Here is a pic.

I'm like it much better now then I did in the roving. The colours became much softer somehow. Think I'm going to call this colourway Caribbean Sunset. I can totally picture a vivid sunset on an ocean when I look at the singles.
I spun the second bobbin as well last night so I will be plying the two together today. I can't wait to see how they will go together.
I also did some dyeing this afternoon. I dyed some silk hankies and two more superwash merino / nylon mill ends. I need more fibre to spin! They are cooling now. I'll see how they turn out tonight and post pics soon.
Just reminder the few who are reading my blog: I love comments! Feel free to drop me a line and tell me what you think. I can take constructive criticism well so don't be shy.